Bloom where you are planted!
I had the title for this post since 2021 but somehow, I was unable to write it until now. Maybe deep down inside while the title seemed profound, I didn’t quite believe that I could “Bloom where I was planted”. … Continued
The Hard Year
2024 was a “hard year”. As I did a reflection on this year, the highs, the many lows, the frustrations and the victories. All I can say is “If not for the grace of God”. As I spoke to a … Continued
God will make a way
We often hear that warfare is always the greatest at the brink of a breakthrough. That was the case for me this week, actually, that was the case for me for the last couple months. To tell you that I … Continued
Do you believe in this Christianity thing?
This week someone asked me the question who God is and do I believe in this Christianity thing. My initial response was to go the “Christianese” route and tell them biblical who God is. But as I began to speak, … Continued
Navigating Disappointments
We have all experienced some measure of disappointment in life. As long as you are breathing, disappointments will come. Somehow though it hits a bit different when we are believing in God for something, especially if we believe He spoke … Continued
Be the Beet!
I just love my Family Altar Ministry, we just have the best discussions. One day in the middle of a discussion one of my cousins pointed out the frustration she was having with cooking beets. Her problem was that they … Continued
On the Verge of a Breakthrough
Have you ever been waiting on a promise for so long that when it is finally within reach, it seems like every single thing that can go wrong goes wrong. Or sometimes the wait at that moment seems even longer … Continued
Do you really want favor?
For the last three years I have been seeking God for a “word” for the year. Each year He has graciously provided those words and true to His form, my year lines up exactly with what He said. Last year, … Continued
My Naughty Corner
My son and I were playing role reversal one day, where he was the teacher and I was the student. He had set work for me to do and I had to do it. Now playfully I complied as he … Continued