When being a blessing feels like a burden

posted in: Re-Couragement | 3

“I want to be a blessing, God!  Bless me so that I can bless others! Use me, Lord! Use me!”  We pray these words, only seeing the glory side of the promise.  We never imagine the work or the struggle that comes before or during. Often, we assume that we can give out of our extra but what happens when you are called to be a blessing out of your lack? 

It is okay to say, “I will bless someone”, when you are in abundance. But, when you are struggling and you have to give out of that, do you still want to be a blessing?  

I have honestly always prayed and asked God to be a blessing to others. Like it was my life’s mission.  But I also found myself struggling and having to help others while I myself was struggling. To sit and say that it was easy would be a lie.  I would sometimes ask God why me, forgetting I prayed for this, not knowing at the time what a great sacrifice it would be.  

I also had to evaluate why I wanted to be a blessing.  Was it about others and helping them or was it about me and feeling fulfilled?  It was a self-searching question, one that needed to be answered truthfully.  Because being a blessing, a true God blessing, wasn’t always glamorous, like the movies.  Sometimes it was hard, downright frustrating, inconvenient, and depressing. This is where I had to turn to Acts 20:35 which reminds me that it is more blessed to give than to receive.  Easy to quote right, but another thing to live out.

But, once we really understand the concept of giving and what it really means to be a blessing, our mindset will shift.  Being a blessing is a selfless act.  It doesn’t happen only when it’s convenient for you or when you feel like it.  It is a lifestyle, a mindset shift, a requirement I believe, of being a follower of Christ.  Won’t always be easy, convenient, or feel good. But during those times you are called to give out of your lack, look around and see the blessings you already have.  A mindset of gratefulness will emerge and you will be happy to give.

I re-courage you today, find someone to give to.  Be a blessing.  Make it a lifestyle.  Not just to receive or for self-fulfillment or to check a box.  But a true, God blessing.  It doesn’t have to be monetary.  It could be your time, a meal, or talent.  Some of these things mean more to a person than money. Just be a blessing to someone today!

I declare over you and your household this priestly prayer from Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’

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3 Responses

  1. Sheldine Robinson

    I testify. Sometimes being a blessing feels like a curse. When we think of our abundance (which may not be much) and align it with someone else’s, how can we not give? Abundance is all about perspective but we cannot take the posture like the rich young ruler who went away and lost his soul. Material blessings are one thing but nothing to be compared with the glory or blessings God has in store for us. Like the author, I encourage you to give.

  2. Diana Yarde

    Be a blessing is truly a great encouragement and yes it is hard when you don’t have much but if you purpose in your heart to give, God restores you. When you are a giver God blesses you even more

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