Grace and Mercy

posted in: Re-Couragement | 7

These two five-letter words seem so small in stature but are of such great significance. I am not even sure our minds can contain all that is wrapped up in these two words.  During a 21-day bible study fast, my family altar ministry focused on a host of topics including Seeking God, Humility, Taming the Tongue, and Renewing the Mind.

Every night after the study was completed, I felt defeated, guilty, and hopeless.  It was as though I fell so short. Although I was living this Christian life, I felt as though I didn’t match up at all.  Maybe you can relate, it may not have been during a bible study but maybe after doing or saying something you most certainly regret. But, then I was reminded of God’s Grace and Mercy.  Grace and Mercy, that are new each and every day. (Lamentations 3:22-23)  Grace and Mercy, that follow me, all the days of my life. (Psalms 23).  Grace and Mercy, that is the free and unmerited favor of God.  Yes, That Grace! Yes, That Mercy!

Grace is defined as a gift we don’t deserve and Mercy as not getting the punishment we deserve.  It is God’s expression of His love towards us.  So, how do we respond to this?

First, we must recognize that this is a gift from God. It is nothing we can earn. Jesus already paid the price a long time ago. We are all sinners and we fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This doesn’t mean we blatantly sin and claim “Grace and Mercy”. But, recognizing that God grants us His grace and mercy because of His love for us.

Secondly, we need to accept it. Sometimes we think that because we didn’t work for something, and, it is free, it is not as good as the thing we earned.  In this case, this free gift is one of the best gifts (outside of salvation) that we can ever receive.  We ought to be thankful that for some of the things we do, we are not wiped from this earth in an instant. We should be eternally grateful that God’s response is not like man’s response. So our response should just be one of humility and thankfulness.

Next, we need to give Grace and Mercy. When we are hurt, betrayed, or disappointed with others, we still need to show compassion and love, as ambassadors of Christ, because God is love. I will never say that this is easy, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can pass it on.  Over time, we would learn to respond in kindness, our minds will be renewed, and we will become more like Christ.

I for one am thankful for those two five-letter words “Grace and Mercy“.  It was Grace and Mercy that brought me through some rough patches in life and as that song says: I want to Thank God and Praise Him too, that His Grace and Mercy brought me through.  Be Re-Couraged in Christ!

7 Responses

  1. Hartley Watson

    Timing my dear, this is very appropriate for my family at this time. ‘Grace and Mercy’ indeed.

  2. Geraldine Carmichael-Roberts

    Just when I was beating up myself because I felt as if I had fallen short of doing what I was supposed to do and nothing seemed to gone as planned, then your email popped up. So timely to remind me of God’s grace and mercy. Thank you Lord, thank you Nicole.

  3. Jacqueline Best

    Thanks hon for this timely reminder of those two five-letter words “Grace and Mercy” that has brought us through and still carrying us through all the difficulties of life. Where would we be if not for God’s unmerrited favor? 🤔

  4. Diana Yarde

    God’s Grace and Mercy, where would I be without it, I thank You Lord, and I thank You Nicole for reminding me/us not to give up.

    • Nikkic

      Giving up is not an option! As Galatian 6:9 reminds us “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”.

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