How Could I NOT Love Him Back?

posted in: Re-Couragement | 6

In my best singing voice, Cue Olivia-Newton-John “I love you…I honestly love you.” February is somehow known as the month of love.  Whether we celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, we can’t help but notice the tons of teddy bears, gift sets, floral arrangements, and restaurant offerings constantly on display.  These displays can cause a host of feelings to stir up, some of love and happiness or some of anger and sadness or loneliness and despair.  Whatever we feel during this month is because of that word “Love”.

How Could I Not Love Him Back

But, what is love?  The dictionary defines love as “a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection”  The bible, however, according to 1 Corinthians 13 vs 4-8 describes love as being patient and kind.  Not envious or boastful, not even proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, it always trusts, it always hopes and it always perseveres.  From this definition, I can only conclude that love can’t just be feeling but it must be a choice.  We must choose to love.  Because trust and believe, those fuzzy feelings can disappear so easily when we are wronged.

Our relationship with God is a choice and it is based on love.  After all, God is Love. He loves us and desires for us to live life abundantly within His will.  Because of that, He sent His son to save us (John 3:16) and in response, we should love Him (1 John 4:19).  Not out of obligation, but choosing to love Him no matter the cost or regardless of how we feel.

How do we do this?  First, we must seek a relationship with Him.  Not a “Hi God, I am alive, so I guess I should thank you.   By the way, bless my meals and Oh shoot, it’s night, So yeah, Goodnight God” type of relationship.  But a true everyday, meaningful relationship. This is achieved through purposefully reading His word, spending time in prayer and worship.  As cliché as its sounds, it is the only way.  In the beginning, it may feel like a chore, but over time, you would yearn for that quality time with God. 

Also, we can reflect on what He has done for us. For me, when I think of all I have been through, I can’t help but to love God back.  Some people see the glamor of your life and may think, you can love God because your life has always been good.  But in reality, everyone is going through something.  Some may let on, others may not, so be kind and compassionate.

Some of the lowest moments for me, only me and God, and sometimes my inner circle knew.   I can say with surety though, that without Him, I probably would have lost my mind.  Some days and nights, I actually felt I was losing it, but oh for the grace of God. It was through these moments that God became I AM for me.  He was my pursuer, sustainer, provider, comforter, best friend, daddy oh, protector, and guide among a host of other I AM’s.

So again I ask, How can I not love Him back? My answer, I have to love Him.  Your journey will be different from mine.  It could manifest physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, or in whatever other form. One thing I am certain of though, is that, if you really reflect, there are a number of things you can say with surety. “If not for the grace of God and conclude just like me “I must love Him back!”

I will leave a Caribbean vibe for you to ponder on while you reflect on His goodness.  Click Here.  But, remember, it doesn’t matter the circumstance, God, Loves you!  Therefore, through it all or in spite of it all, choose to really and truly love back Him today! Be Re-Couraged in Christ!

6 Responses

  1. Samantha Straker

    It isn’t always easy….. but God….How can we refuse to love someone who has and continues to sacrifice so much for us, including his life…. Very well written. Continue to press on this journey and you’ll be amazed how many souls you will bless in the process. All for the glory of God.

  2. Diana Yarde

    That’s true Nike, God is the great I Am, any “I Am” we need Him to be, so how can we not love Him back. He proved His Love by sending His Only Son to die a horrible death for us. Keep up the good work of re-encouragement, I know it encourages me. LOVE you. Diana

  3. Sheldine Robinson

    In the beginning, it may feel like a chore, but over time, you would yearn for that quality time with God – This is so true. There are times when I really miss spending time with God and it tears me up when I fail Him constantly. We cannot be too busy for someone we say we love.

    See here you

  4. Peta

    Oh when I think about God’s amazing love, I am overwhelmed. Another fantastic piece Nik. Re-couragement and food for thought …

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