Get Ready!

posted in: Re-Couragement | 2

In a season of devastation or lack or when we just feel stagnant we tend to focus our prayers on the next blessing. We have the Jabez prayer on repeat: “Lord Bless me indeed, enlarge my territory, and give me increase” (1 Chronicles 4:10 paraphrased). We ask God to bring us out of the situations we face and give us “the blessing”.  If you are fortunate enough to be in tune with God, He may even whisper to you “Get Ready” before He bestows the blessing on you. 

We become so eager to be out of our present situation, that we dance and shout and scream, “I am ready Lord”.  But are you?  Are you really ready for the blessing?  Blessings are great, but when you are ill-prepared, you can fumble the blessing.  Not everyone is ready for the blessing they so fervently pray for.  It is then the blessing can become a curse.  Ever heard the term, “new levels, new devils”.  Each blessing comes with an increased level of responsibility. So my questions for you today. Are you stewarding what God has given you now?  Are you really ready for the blessing?

We pray, God, bless me so that I can bless others.  But do you give now?  If you can’t give $100 out of $1,000, do you believe you will give $1,000 out of $10,000?  Some may say, yes, because it seems like it is significantly more.  However, increased income usually brings increased expenses, and hence you will find yourself in the same position. 

We want the house, but do we keep the apartment tidy?  Do we invite people over now in our little space?  When I get the house, some may say, I will invite people in.  But, then what will be your motive?  Will it be to minister to them, entertain and spend time or will it be just to show off? 

What about this famous one? When I get a better job, I wouldn’t have to work so hard so I will spend more time with you.  To the kid watching or the spouse waiting, better jobs usually mean more responsibility.  If you can’t carve out the time now, do you think you will find it then?

The examples above are just a small window into some of the ways God prepares you for your blessing. He looks at how well you are stewarding what He has given you now. This piece is not to discourage you, but to make you, like I also have to do, examine yourself.  God does indeed want to bless us and He wants to do it immensely. But for me, the one thing worse than not getting the blessing is getting the blessing and fumbling it.  Or, being so enamored with the blessing, that you forget the ONE who blessed you.

As difficult as a season you may be in now, while waiting on your blessing, allow God to prepare you.  Don’t fight the trials, I know they are not easy, but they will prepare you. Also, pay attention to the subtle prompts God gives as you go about your daily tasks. Let Him ready you spiritually, emotionally, mentally, financially, and physically for all the plans, He has for you.  Also, note that God would not do the things for you that you can do for yourself. So, the changes you know you have to make in your life, or the ones God prompted you to make, make them. 

The blessing will still have responsibilities that may be great, but trust that you stand a better chance if you let God prepare you and have Him on your side.  So, Get Ready, so that you can enjoy all the blessings God has for you! Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here

2 Responses

  1. Jacqueline Best

    This is truly an eye opener and a blessing to me. Thank You 😊 🙏

  2. Samantha

    This is one of the task that my journey has caused me to see. I used to live in anticipation more than I lived in the reality that I was in. I wanted better which wasn’t bad but I didn’t stop to enjoy and appreciate what I had at the moment. That cost me a lot especially with the ones I loved the most. It cost me more than what I wanted from the upgrade so then when I got the upgrade then I had to work harder to regain what I lost in the process. My point is, that there is much to learn and appreciate at all stages in life. God doesn’t put us in places casually. If we just stop, observe and inspect ourselves, we would find the lesson he has for us in the journey and we would find joy in doing it also. Thanks Nick for this and continue to re- courage us in Christ.

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