Unfamiliar Places

posted in: Re-Couragement | 2

Summer is almost over and I pray that you were able to soak in some fun, laughter, and relaxation. If not, you still have a bit of time, so get started. My son went to camp for the summer.  It was a new environment, a new place, and new people.  He is a little like me when placed in unfamiliar places. He can withdraw and social anxiety can creep in. The first day I took him to camp was eventful.  He went in great until he realized I was about to leave him in this unfamiliar place. It was then he held on to me kicking and screaming, wanting to go back to somewhere familiar.  As a mum, it hurt me to let go. Even though I knew that he was in good hands, I felt terrible the whole day.

The next day, he returned, albeit reluctantly, but he was much more settled. He actually participated in the activities.  Surprisingly in the evening, he told me he had a great day and that he thoroughly enjoyed the camp.  It was then the Holy Spirit nudged me with this revelation. How many times does God bring us to unfamiliar places to grow us? But, we kick and scream wanting to go back to the familiar.  Not even wanting to give it a chance.  Not realizing that after we have gone to the place that “God will show us” (Genesis 12:1), miracles can happen. We may even be surprised how much we grow and that we just might enjoy it.

Many of the people in the bible, had to exhibit a level of faith in order to receive the blessings God had in stored for them.  If we believe that “God is the same yesterday, today, and forever”, and that His character never changes.  Then, what makes us think that we don’t have to have a level of faith to experience what God has for us?  We must learn to be okay with leaving the familiar for the unfamiliar place that God is leading us to. We have to learn to rely solely on the fact that God knows best.  Just like a good parent, He has our best interest at heart, and on the other side of uncertainty holds a great promise.

I reminded my son that evening that I would have never done anything to hurt Him or leave him somewhere or with someone, I didn’t trust.  It was then that God reminded me that He also has my best interest at heart. This was confirmed in His word through the prophet Jeremiah.  Jeremiah 29: 11 tells me that God’s plans are not to harm me but to prosper me and give me hope and a future. So even though I don’t see the big picture and the path and place seem so unfamiliar, I must trust Him.

This process is not always easy, so, this is my re-couragement for you and me today.  Practice placing your actions where your words are. You can start with small every day activities like spending time in prayer, listening to that still small voice of God, and being obedient.

Some places God wants to take you may be unfamiliar and you may be fearful.  However, God constantly tells us in His word not to fear and to place our trust in HIM.  It is high time that we put our actions to work and allow God to lead us, even if it is to that unfamiliar place.  You may never know what blessings are waiting for you in the land that God will show you. Click Here!

2 Responses

  1. Gena

    This is so true, we must BELIEVE that our Heavenly Father is our light guiding us in life and he knows the plans he has for us !!!

  2. Jennifer

    Thanks for this timely reminder that where God wants to take us may be unfamiliar and we may be fearful but he need not to fear and to place our trust in Him. I am in that place right now and I release my fears to him his promises are true
    Thanks Nicole and may God continue to place that word in your soul for the Re-couragement for others

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