The Lego Blessing

posted in: Re-Couragement | 4

My son was so excited to receive his new gift.  As he opened it smiles beamed from his face.  It was Legos! The excitement however soon became one of frustration.  Even though he loved his present, he was finding it difficult and much too time consuming to put all those little pieces together to create the dream that was on the front of the box. 

He had a blessing, but the blessing was becoming a curse as it took labor, patience and he had to ask for help.  Now we are still putting together the pieces, because I am not the correct helper, a lesson in itself.  But trust, that as soon as his Lego helper comes by, the puzzle will be fixed in no time.

So you have prayed about the blessing, God gave it to you, now what? I bet the obvious answer is to enjoy it.  But what happens when it is in your hands but you don’t recognize it.  Sometimes we pray for a blessing expecting it to be wrapped up neatly.  However, when it is opened, it’s a bunch of Lego pieces waiting to be fitted together.

This is where sometimes, the true test comes.  I know I want it wrapped neatly together like a present.  Then, I can unwrap it and enjoy the sweets.  But most times God gives you lego puzzle pieces to be fitted together.  Meaning, your participation is required and work has to be done.  You therefore have to level up and this is where most of us mess up. 

We either don’t recognize that God has blessed us. Or, we are so excited He did but the excitement swiftly turns to frustration when we realize the amount of work that has to be done for the vision to fully come to pass.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7,  Elisha helped the widower through her faith to multiply what was in her hand.  Her jar of oil was her Lego piece but she needed to exercise her faith to fully experience the blessing. So, ask yourself, what is in your hand? What blessings do you have that you don’t recognize? What are the things that God is calling you to exercise your faith over to experience the promise?

I re-courage you today to ask God to show you your Lego piece.  When it is revealed, I pray that He empowers you with the courage, patience and tenacity to fit the pieces together.  God has many blessings for you, sometimes we just need to recognize them.  My prayer is that you open your eyes and heart and let Him show you as some blessings may just be right in front of you.

Be- Recourged today!

4 Responses

  1. Dionne

    Wow! What a word as usual and very timely especially for the season that we are in. Our Father will soon return and we need to partner with Him in order to manifest our identities on the earth so we can become the Glorious Church He is returning for. Thank you so much sis for sharing this word, it has definitely recouraged me and I know it will impact many. Continue putting your God- given pieces together. In the end, the puzzle will be a beautiful one! Blessings!

  2. Diana Yarde

    Nicole it is amazing how you are able to compare your son’s Lego set to the blessings of God in our lives. Your words always encourage and pierce my heart, jolting me to do better. I thank you for these words especially at this time.
    May God continue to show Himself to you revealing words for you to share.
    Stay the course.

  3. Joycelyn Gooding

    Timely encouragement indeed. I’m about to start putting my Lego pieces together…
    Thanks Nicole

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