A timely reminder

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This week I had a moment where I felt like I was losing hope over a particular situation.  I was in prayer with God, and I just felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go through my voice notes.  Now for clarity, whenever God gives me a word or an experience, I like to record it.  I happened to click on one from almost a year ago. Well since nothing happens by chance, I believe God ordained it.  

As I sat on my bed listening to my rambles, I was tempted to turn it off. At the time of the recording, I was super happy as I was celebrating something that only God could have orchestrated for me.  I was therefore documenting my experience in the most animated form which was far from how I was feeling now.    However, I somehow managed to continue to listen to ALL 8 minutes of my rambling. 

It was the end of the message though that God knew I really needed to hear.  I had left a reminder for myself.  It was letting me know, that if I ever found myself in the state I was currently in, I should remember this one simple, yet powerful thing. “God is faithful, He will work it out. If He came through for you, before He will certainly come through for you again.  Why, because you can trust His character, so remind yourself not of your situation but of God’s faithfulness”.

I sat in my bed all torn up at how God used that 8-minute ramble to minister to me in the time I most needed it.  I don’t even remember saying all those words, but God knew I would have needed to hear it at this exact time.  He is so strategic and dare I say faithful.

My rambling now brings me to this question for you.  Do you need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness today?  We all at some point briefly forget the goodness and faithfulness of God when the waves of life come crashing ashore.   I therefore encourage you to stop for a moment. Take your eyes off your present woes and take a journey back in your life.  Look to see the ways how God so strategically brought you out of a situation or turned some situations around in your life. 

Sometimes it is our own testimony that helps us to go forward.  Revelations 12:11 tells us that “they overcame by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony”. A testimony is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a spoken or written statement of something that is true.  In Christianity it is defined as “the public profession of your faith journey and relationship with God.”


What is your testimony today? How can you look back and trace God’s faithfulness? My simple re-couragement for you today is.  Take a moment and capture your testimony, speak it out or write it out. Allow it to free you.  Allow it to remind you of God’s faithfulness.  Let it speak to your heart and reinforce to you that if He did it before He will do it again.  Let it be the one thing that re-courages you in this moment you are in right now. The spark you need to reignite your faith. The thing that helps you to focus less on your present situation and more on God’s unchanging character. That simple reminder that “God is faithful!” Click Here

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