But God

posted in: Re-Couragement | 4

The enemy tried it, but God!  This week as I was coming home with some family members, we were involved in an accident.  A guy ran a red light and slammed right into my vehicle causing it to spin out of control. As I played the scene over and over in my head, all I could say was “But God”  We were at the start of a “prayer and fast” in my Family Altar Ministry and somehow I felt in my spirit to prepare for the backlash. I did pray against it, but never once did this scenario cross my mind. But oh for the grace of God!

What my simple re-couragement  for you this week is.  Trials and tribulations will come.  In John 16:33 NIV the bible tells us “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” In other words, trouble is unavoidable, trouble will come, trouble is inevitable.  But, what I love about this verse though, is that even though it tells you to expect trouble, it doesn’t just leave it there.  It goes on to reassure you that because of God you can still have a peaceful assurance.

As I journey through life and the deeper my relationship with God becomes, I can’t help but to notice these profound “but God” moments. I have said it before, but I would say it again.  God is good, He has been so good to me.  He has shown up for me as a provider, a comforter, a friend, clearly a protector, and I could go on and on and on.  I don’t know where I would be without God and frankly I don’t ever want to know.  I want to say thank you Father God for loving me!

What does your “but God” look like?  I encourage you. Take a moment and see what your life would have looked like without an intervention by God.  Then thank Him for your “but God” encounters.  Taking the words from a Deitrick Haddon song, my reflection goes a little something like this  “I could have been dead sleeping in my grave but God blessed me to see another day”.  I am truly thankful for my ‘but God” moments.  What about you?

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4 Responses

  1. Dionne

    Powerful Testimony! But God! Boy can we attest to these moments every day.

  2. Diana Yarde

    “But God” heard our prayers and rescued you and the others from the hands of the evil ones. I am truly grateful for your “but God” moments Nicole. Blessings

  3. Samantha

    But God!!! OH for his grace and mercy that pours unto our soul…..But God.

  4. Joycelyn

    Amen. Those “…but God” moments reveal God’s love for us and his grace in sustaining us. Our hearts must be open to return thanks, and praise.

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