Where is your focus?

posted in: Re-Couragement | 2

The last six weeks were a whirlwind of pressures.  Every week it was as though I was battling something or the other.  What was so mind boggling though, is that in the midst of all those trials, in the midst of all that pressure, blessings were pouring out, dreams were being fulfilled.  

As I laid on my couch thinking over what had transpired over the last couple weeks,  I couldn’t help but to realize that because I was so focused on the trials, I couldn’t even enjoy the things that I prayed so fervently for.  I couldn’t even bask long enough in the fact that God was fulfilling His promises. Not even a moment to enjoy the goodness of God.

John 10:10 (NIV) tells us “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full ”.  I did not even realize it. Something so obvious. I was allowing the enemy to steal my joy, destroy my peace and kill the excitement of answered prayers.  

Now don’t get me wrong, the trials were hot, the frustrations were real, the disappointment and unfairness I experienced was unwarranted.  But I was allowing a temporary state to stop me from praising and thanking God for showing up for me. I had to make a conscious decision to put all the negativity aside no matter how hard it was in the moment and praise God.

Newsflash! Trials will always be here. Difficulties will always show up. That is the hard reality of this life we live. But through this experience, I was reminded not to allow these setbacks to cause me to miss God’s blessings, discount the things I have been praying for or ignore God’s favor over my life.


This is my re-couragement for you today.  You may be in the middle of a hot messy situation. Trials and disappointments may be flying in from all directions.  But even in the middle, I am asking you to take some time to look at the hand of God over your life.  Make sure that you are not taking God for granted.  Make sure that you are not missing out on the fact that He is answering prayers and granting favor, because your focus is on your present circumstance.  

I am encouraging you to make God a priority today.  Make a conscious effort to take your eyes off your situation and focus on the Father.  You will be amazed at the many blessings floating around.  Don’t let us miss another blessing or forfeit another promise. Don’t allow the enemy to steal, kill and destroy all that God has so freely provided to us.

Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here

2 Responses

  1. Diana Patricia Yarde

    I must admit, sometimes it is hard to keep focus but I am Re-couraged to do just that, in Jesus’ Name.
    Thanks Nicole!

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