Obedience is Key

posted in: Re-Couragement | 2

As I sat on my bed listening to the song “The Goodness of God” by CeCe Winans, the lyrics began to really speak to me.  At that moment I started to get so overwhelmed at how good God has been to me.  He is faithful, He has delivered exceedingly, abundantly more than I could imagined. I would even go so far to boldly declare that He is just getting started. As usual, I sat in reflection and I started to drill down on the why and how my life took a 180 degree turn. The one thing God kept pointing out was that “your obedience was key“.

One may think that the many blessings emerged from one big act of surrender, but that was not the case.  It was just through a series of small acts of obedience over time allowing God to refine me and saying yes to Him when it didn’t make sense.  It took stepping out in faith when I could not see how it would end and not having a clue on what direction my life would take. 

This required me to put aside fear and move in faith not because I was qualified or had high confidence. Actually, it was just the opposite. I wasn’t qualified and the confidence was definitely not there. It was just simply because I was chosen by God and I said yes. 

Was it always easy?- No!

Was I full of faith each day?– Not even close

BUT! To attain it all it required one thing:

Obedience to the King

The Process

Through it all, through the many days of doubts and fears and feeling like giving up when trials and tribulations came my way. God reminded me that His mercies are new everyday (Lamentations 3:22)  He assured me that He is not a man that can lie (Numbers 23:19), so if He said it, it is so.  I was reminded that the one who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world.(1 John 4:4)  He patiently convinced me that He would never leave me nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6). He graciously helped me discover my identity in Him.

All through scripture one thing is prevalent, promises were fulfilled because folks dared to believe and chose to obey.  All through the Bible it tells us, mediate on His word, believe what God says and obey.  We are challenged not to be only hearers of the Word, but doers. Since God is unchanging, then I must conclude that His method today wouldn’t be any different. Therefore my mantra was simply “If God said it, then I believe and therefore it is so“.


My re-couragement to you today is simple

  • Dare to Believe!
  • Choose to Obey!
  • Watch God Deliver!

Today I present to you our book, I say our because it was deposited by the Holy Spirit Journey to Victory-10 key lessons for every Christian. A book birthed out of obedience. Never once did I set out to pen a book, but I just said Yes to the Father and allowed Him to refine me in the fire.  Who would have thought that I would be a published author? Not me in a million years. Who would have thought that I could be a …… ( I’ll let God continue to write my story and I guarantee you it would be exceedingly abundantly more than I could imagine).

I hope this re-couraged you today because I assure you that God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11), so if He did it for me, He will surely do it for you.

To my Heavenly Father,  I say Thank you! This is just the beginning!

Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here

2 Responses

  1. Jacqueline Best

    Blessed as always. Continue to be obedient to your Heavenly Father and be a blessing to others. Only God knows where He’s taking you so trust Him and His promises to you. Love you always. Thanks again and congratulations on your 1st book, eagerly looking forward for the next one.😊

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