Be the Beet!

posted in: Re-Couragement | 1

I just love my Family Altar Ministry, we just have the best discussions.  One day in the middle of a discussion one of my cousins pointed out the frustration she was having with cooking beets.  Her problem was that they change the color of everything.  Even though we all know that beets are nutritious for you, when you cook them the color gets on everything changing the food color and sometimes the flavor.  For some, this is okay, but for others it can be quite annoying.  We all found the situation quite familiar and hilarious and immediately the Holy Spirit spoke.  His question was: When people come into contact with us do we change the color and flavor of their lives for the better? Or do we retreat and allow them to change us?  Are we being the best flavored “beet” we can be?

This brings me to the phrase we often hear “that the only Jesus some people see is the Jesus in you and me”.  Matthew 7:15-20 tells us that people will know us by our fruits.  What type of fruit are you bearing?  Is it according to Galatians 5:22-23?  Can people see the fruit of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control?  Are you being the beet?


Let’s face it life happens to each and every one of us but that should not stop us from being the “best beet” we can be.  We must strive each and everyday to not only be Christian in name but also in nature.  People should see Jesus living in us.  I am always amazed by the story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50.  There are so many great lessons in that story. But there was a verse in Genesis 39:3 where even though Joseph was a slave and life was not what he imagined, somehow his master, Potiphar, still noticed that the Lord was with Joseph.  Every time I read that verse I always ask myself a self searching question. Despite everything going on in your life Nicole, can people see that the Lord is with you?  I am now asking asking you the same question?

I know life is tough, and that we are all battling something but my re-couragement to you today is not to let life circumstances or people change you.  Be the beet, be the one that adds good flavor to someone’s life.  Strive to live a life where people can see Jesus in you. Even when you go through trials, being that example can be the testimony one needs to give their life to Christ.  God is asking you to check your posture today and if it hasn’t been the best, come to Him, repent and ask Him to help you.  You never know whose life you may be saving by being what God calls you to be.

Be Re-Couraged in Christ!

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