Navigating Disappointments

posted in: Re-Couragement | 1

We have all experienced some measure of disappointment in life.  As long as you are breathing, disappointments will come.  Somehow though it hits a bit different when we are believing in God for something, especially if we believe He spoke a word over our lives but yet still we are experiencing disappointment. 

Yes we may understand that everything is in God’s timing.  Yes, we may also be aware and have experienced God’s goodness in the past. We may also believe that if He spoke a word, He is faithful to complete it.  However even though we have experienced His faithfulness in the past and we theoretically or through past experience know that He is faithful we still experience disappointment. So how do we navigate it?

You know I’m always transparent here, so yes, this is me. This is my struggle right now! Recently I have been battling with that disappointment. I have experienced God’s faithfulness in a number of situations in my life. But for others, it seems as though He just ain’t showing up.  Whenever I believe that I may be close to a breakthrough, something always comes crashing in.  At first it was easy to pray through, easy to wait on God and have great hope and faith in God.  But, the more the disappointments came, the harder the trials were to navigate. The longer the wait was, when years now turned into a decade and counting, the harder it became to come out the funk.


So what did I do?  Honestly I turned to what I knew worked. I turned to Him.  This time however it seemed harder, the words just wouldn’t come out.  It felt as though something kept holding my pray and praise in. As every day went on, I felt as though I was becoming more and more distant.

I am certain I am not alone in this and that we all find ourselves here at some point in life.  So what do we do?  At that moment I reminded myself that even though I felt disappointed, God doesn’t make mistakes.  His Word assures us that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9). I also reminded myself, facts over feelings. Even though I didn’t feel like He was there, His word promised that He would never leave me or forsake me. So I pressed in, but in all honesty, I didn’t feel like it most days. Many days and weeks I could only pray in my head. Sometimes I just managed to read a verse, other times I just stared at the sky. Most days, I just sat in His presence not being able to say a word.


Regardless of how imperfect it felt though, I tried to show up each day. Not because I felt like it but because I recognized that whether it felt good or not, or whether I wanted to or not, I am nothing without Him.

Then one day, a release came, the prayers flowed, the praise came and I felt great. But, to my disappointment, that lasted just a day, because the next day, there was another spoke in my wheel.  I didn’t even have enough time to recover, before the cycle began again.  That’s life, it always hits you when you are down. But, I however continued to press in and as I am here pressing in, I came to encourage you as well, because I know someone out there feels just like me. Probably wondering if it is just them alone that feels this way and praying for someone to encourage them

So my re-couragement for you and I today, is to keep on pressing on.  Even though you may not feel like you are experiencing a breakthrough right now, I want to remind you that God is still faithful.  You may feel disappointed, you may feel hurt, you may even be wondering if God has left the building.  But I want to assure you He is still there, He still hears and He still cares.  No matter how you feel, God’s word still stands. So whether you feel like it or not KEEP RUNNING to the Father until you receive your victory.  My prayer is that God will show up for you! Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here

  1. Samantha

    So relatable…..makes me wonder what I did wrong or what’s the difference with me but God might not have come through the way I imagined or asked but he has never left me to suffer. I know God cares and I will trust him to do as he promised

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