Bloom where you are planted!

posted in: Re-Couragement | 1

I had the title for this post since 2021 but somehow, I was unable to write it until now.  Maybe deep down inside while the title seemed profound, I didn’t quite believe that I could “Bloom where I was planted”.  See, it is hard to want to bloom where you are, when the world is saying step out in faith, pursue your dream, try new things, think bigger.  When your heart is set on a dream that you know God placed on the inside of you but your realities are far different than you imagined. How can you then say I want to bloom where I am planted.  

As I sat with God today, I realized that the problem wasn’t the title, it was that I misunderstood what that phrase meant.  See, “bloom where I am planted” doesn’t mean settling, or giving up your dreams or remaining stagnant.  It is a bit like faith. It means allowing God to prepare you for your future while trusting Him by stewarding your present circumstance.


One of the revelations God gave me while in my quiet time with Him was: “the skills that I need for your next move are being developed in your present circumstance”.  Sometimes we want to rush to get out of the now.  I get it, we all hate waiting, we are tired, frustrated, confused and we are indeed believing in God for better.  The beginning of a new year can always bring up feelings of being left behind. But I want to assure you that you are not behind, you are exactly where you need to be. I know it is hard to believe, but God knew you would have been here at this exact moment, and He has already factored that it.

We must understand that if we go before God’s time, we end up in the next level unprepared. We end up as weeds, choking out the blessing in the next garden as opposed to becoming beautiful flowers that can add beauty and value to where God is taking us.

Steward your Season

I don’t want you to misinterpret me.  I am encouraging you to have your dreams, goals, and plans for this new year. Take a moment and write it all down.  Do your vision board sessions and believe God for big things.  Proverbs 29:18 tells us that “Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint.”  So yes, plan, dream, goal set and cast the vision!  I also encourage you to lay all your plans at the feet of the Father because Proverbs also tells us that: “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” However, while you work towards your dreams and while you work to get to the next level; while you work to step out in faith and while you work to achieve more. Steward where you are at!

Steward your time, your job, your health, your ministry and your finances. Because in the midst of that job that may be frustrating, God is developing skills in you for the next promotion. In the middle of your ministry that seems to be going nowhere, God is developing the tenacity and patience for the next level.  In the midst of those dwindling finances, God is developing total dependence on Him. 

Your next season is on the way, and you will have more than enough. Yes, I am declaring that you will have more than enough.  But it is in this period that you will need to master how to have total dependence on God. So that in your next season depending on God will become second nature as you will need to depend on Him for vision on how to steward and keep the blessing, He is currently preparing you for.  


My re-couragement for you today is to “Bloom where you are planted“.  Allow God to shape you, so that when you are replanted you can Bloom there by adding value and beauty and not fumble the blessing that is definitely on the way.  It may be closer than you think but God wants it to be a blessing to you and not a burden.  So, allow God to prepare you for that bright future that is on the way!

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  1. Jacqueline Best

    Happy New Year to you and family as well Nikki and I thank you for this re-couragement as a commencement for this new year / new season of my life.
    May God continually bless you to be His blessing to others.

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