Accepting Jesus Christ is one of the best decisions anyone could ever make. The truth is that this life-transforming step does not mean that your life will automatically be void of any negative experiences. Oh, how we wish someone were there with us on that joyous day who would have told us what to expect and how to remain focused in the midst of the hard things we would experience in our Christian walk. Can you relate? If your answer is yes, you have picked up the right book.

Renew your mind with a powerful 31-day guided prayer journal that is designed to help you find or remind you of your Identity in Christ. Daily declarations allow you to meditate on your true identity in Christ. Guided prompts to help you to evaluate your beliefs and realign them to God’s word as you spend time in His presence.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14 NIV