Do you believe in this Christianity thing?

posted in: Re-Couragement | 0

This week someone asked me the question who God is and do I believe in this Christianity thing.  My initial response was to go the “Christianese” route and tell them biblical who God is.  But as I began to speak, I felt the Holy Spirit say, tell them who I AM to you.

So, I paused, took a deep breath and began to tell them who God is to me.  I explained the many ways He came through for me when it seemed impossible. The comfort He gave me when I experienced loss.  I recounted the numerous times He was the friend I needed when I felt alone.  The One who opened doors for me that were seemingly shut. My protector when I could have died and provider in times of lack. The crazy faith journey He is taking me on, but boy, it is worth it. I have shared many of my experiences on this same blog with you all.

I got so excited talking about who God was to me.  For me it was awe inspiring to recall these various experiences with God. They too, gasped in awe at my experiences with God and started to wonder if I was a “spoiled child”, making references to those highlighted moments I described.  I urged them not to think that my life was perfect or void of difficulties.  It was so far from; I have had my share of difficult situations and more. I was currently navigating a difficult situation at the moment though they didn’t know.   But I explained that it was through those difficult situations that I got to experience God because I chose to trust in Him despite how my life looked.

It was just like God though, to show off in that moment because in true transparency, these last couple weeks have been so stressful, and it was manifesting in pains in my body.  I was experiencing migraines, vertigo and pain in so many places and I tried to give all my anxiety to God the way I knew.  I laid it at His feet and prayed several times a day whenever I felt stressed, but somehow it just wasn’t going away.  However, God knew just what was needed to break through. Revelation 12:11 tells us that you overcome by the blood of the lamb and the Word of your testimony. After I shared my experiences, I felt such a sudden relief in my body that I didn’t feel for a while.  One that can only come through Jesus.

So now I am asking you the question who is God to you, and do you believe in this Christianity thing? Do you have a testimony to share that can somehow bring a lost one home.  My re-couragement to you is to share your testimony, you never know who you can set free by it.  Or maybe just maybe that is just the thing God uses to set you free.   Click Here

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