Faith to Let Go

posted in: Re-Couragement | 4

This is a faith post!  I felt God calling me to bigger things, different things, change and greater impact.  But the fear had me.  As I wrestled with this feeling for a while, the revelation came.  I was more afraid of letting go of what I knew than I was afraid of what I was gaining.  The thing is, what the future held was unknown. I had never done it before, it would challenge me and make me dig deeper in God.  But ironically, I had more faith in God to see me through the next stage than I had faith in Him to help me release what I already had. It wasn’t fear of the unknown, it was fear of letting go. Even typing that statement now sounds crazy.  I needed faith to let go.

When God first brought that revelation to me, I was like, this makes no sense. But the more I pondered, the more I realized that being comfortable was my issue.  I didn’t want to face the uncomfortable task of leaving my comfort zone.  Yes, I wanted more. Yes, I knew deep inside that though the next step would be different, it would be more exciting, and I would probably fall in love with the new me.  I was longing to meet that person.  She is on the inside begging to come out. It was her time.

The thing is, I am not even afraid; I am so confident that God would see me through.  I am geared up for the challenge because I know that if God brought me there no matter what I would be okay.  It really didn’t make much logical sense.  But I guess God ideas never do?  So, I asked God why was it so hard to let go of what I knew for so many years when I was so confident that what you had for me was better?


As I wrestled with this, God’s response was, “because you formed a soul tie”.  I was like soul ties, that makes absolutely no sense. This was not a sexual relationship at all; it was just comfort.  But as usual, He was patient as I pondered on it.  As I looked into the definition of soul ties, a stark reality presented itself.  “A soul tie maybe sexual, yes, but there are also different forms of soul ties. Soul ties can be formed with someone or a group or a place that played a significant role in your life whether good or bad?” It does not always have to be sexual .

I realized in that moment that I was not just breaking out of my comfort zone. It was much deeper than that. I had formed a soul tie. A stronghold that needed to be broken. I had also realized I was icing God out of that space. Placing Him just in charge of my future when I really needed Him to also help me navigate the present and heal me from the past. That meant I had to invite God in, not just superficially but really ask Him to heal my heart and help me to navigate this space.  This took vulnerability, like how releasing this blog post feels, in order for me to break free.

What was the result you may ask? How did it end? What did she choose?  Well, I began by saying this is a faith post. So the reality is, God is still working on me, breaking those yolks, those chains and those strongholds.  So then why did I choose to post at this time before the process is complete.  Because He said “it will set me and some others free”.  So, I am just trusting Him, obeying His call and praying that someone here like me will also be set free.


My re-couragement for you today is that the gracious nature of God allows us to choose.  If not, it would not be love, but control.  So take comfort that whatever difficult or uncomfortable choice you are faced with, God promises He will never leave you or forsake you.  God wants to take you to places that you have never dreamed of, but He needs you to let go of those things which are keeping you bound.  It may be a place, a person, a mindset or an attitude. 

Surrender it to God today! Don’t be yoked to comfort any longer. Ask God to help you to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. He is always there waiting to guide you.  Spend some time in His presence today, sit in meditation with Him. And as Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take”. Today is the day I break free! What about you?

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4 Responses

  1. Jacqueline Best

    Father God, being in my comfort zone feels ‘good’ but I’m going nowhere, please help me to get comfortable with being uncomfortable because You know what’s best for me more than I do for myself. Help me to trust You more because my limited understanding is faulty. Help me to focus on Your promises and to keep my eyes fixed on You…alone. Amen.

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