Grace for Today

posted in: Re-Couragement | 2

Recently I have been quite busy juggling work, ministry, family and other commitments.  I was starting to feel overwhelmed.  But before I got the chance to complain, I felt the Holy Spirit say, “You asked for this.”  Now I was confused because I am sure I didn’t ask to be stretched thin. I didn’t ask for any of this. But then He gently reminded me “You ask to be increased, You prayed for more and wanted your territory to be enlarged.” My mind began to drift back and head shook in disbelief. I did pray for more…… but not this way.  What I imagine was bells and whistles, not all this hard work, lack of time, feeling stretched and permanently tired. 

It was a humbling revelation because most of the time the more we pray for, is not necessarily what we we get. God seldomly delivers it in the form we imagine it to be. Because He is God, He knows what needs to happen in our respective lives to prepare us for the “Jabez prayer” we so obliviously pray. He needs to make sure that we really know what more means and that we are prepared to handle everything that comes with it. Because there is always a backside to the blessing, not just the bells and whistles we often imagine.

Now honestly it feels like a lot some days. It has also brought to light some changes I need to make personally in my life in order to continue on this trajectory of fulfilling God’s calling.  But what really stood out for me during this period was the grace of God

The Process

I found that each day instead of complaining I began to ask God to just give me grace for today.  Just before I entered this stretching period, God gave me this scripture. “His word is a light unto my path” Psalm 119:105.  It didn’t quite resonate at the time, but I  kept hearing it everywhere I went.   I was also prompted by God to ask for grace just for today and trust Him to take care of the rest. I found that by praying for His grace daily, not worrying about the “what ifs” and trusting God to lead each day, I felt free. Even though the load was still heavy, it was easier and I was surprisingly happier.  The scripture :The joy of the Lord is my strength as described in Nehemiah 8:10 became real again.  

Remember that when Jesus taught us to pray in the Bible, He said “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). He didn’t say the bread for tomorrow or next week, but daily.  We must remember that God promises to meet our needs each day. However, this requires us to get in His presence daily so that He can fill us up. The Bible also reminds us that for His mercies are new every morning (Lamentation 3:22-23). This is another wonderful promise I am learning to embrace.

I was reminded that entire time that God’s grace is indeed sufficient for me. That His power is made perfect in my weakness and that He would strengthen me and would supply all my needs.


My re-couragement to you today is simple.  God would grace you for what He called you to do. Sometimes life may seem daunting. It may seem as though you are being stretched and you don’t know how to face tomorrow.  Give it to Jesus, ask Him for grace just for today, and watch and see how that simple prayer can transform your life. 

I encourage you as tempting as it may seem. Don’t run away from being stretched, crushed or refined. It is during those times that new wine is being produced. When you have passed that period, you will be amazed at the beauty that lies on the other side. Take comfort in knowing that if God brought you to it, He will bring you through it.  Get God’s presence daily so that you can receive His daily grace that is freely available to you. 

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