If You Say So

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This week as I was preparing for a speaking engagement, I found myself reflecting on how I got here.  It was just through a series of “Yes Lord” even when it didn’t make sense.  That then reminded me of the story in Luke 5 where Peter was fishing all night and caught nothing.  Jesus then got into Peter’s boat, did a whole sermon before turning to Peter and asking him to cast his nets again.  This was now in the middle of the day when it didn’t make sense to fish.   Peter knew that it didn’t make sense, it was crazy, but he told Jesus that he would cast his nets again because He said so.

Now that is usually the way I feel with some of the stuff God tells me to do. I am usually like “God this makes no sense, but if you say so”. However, that was not always the case, and it was definitely not how it started.  For me, it started with me being so broken in the moment, to the point where I did not have any fight left in me to argue or reason with God with my limited understanding. So, at that point all I could do was say “God if you say so!”


Sometimes in our walk with Christ, He has to break us so that we would stop fighting Him and just respond “If you say so”. Because in our moments of strength and victory, logic sometimes take over. So, when God issues an instruction because it doesn’t make logical sense, we fight, we try to reason and then we do what seems best to us. In order to get our attention and to bring us back, God sometimes allow some breaking. Some of us may be in a season of brokenness right now.  We may have had so many plans for this year and right now it may seem that all our plans have been turned upside down.  It may seem as though everything that can go wrong has gone wrong and even the things, we think that could not have gone wrong, went wrong. 

It may be exhausting, and we may be wondering if God has forsaken me.  We may feel alone, defeated and broken.  But just for a moment, I want you to take your eyes off what is causing you despair and listen to what God is saying to you.  Don’t listen for it to make sense because 99.9% of the time, the instructions God gives us in the moment would not make logical sense. Just listen to the voice of the Father with the heart posture of “God, if you say so”. God may just be using this period to get you to the point where you have no fight left so that you can be still and know that He is God.


My re-couragement for you today is to lean into God this very moment.  Don’t wait another second or say you will come to it later. I encourage you to pause right now and let God into your situation.  Be assured that God does not allow things to break you just to hurt you or because He has nothing better to do.  He allows situations to occur to draw you closer to Him.  Tune your ears to the Father’s voice. Turn your heart to Him and come before Him with your broken heart.  Hold the posture that whatever He says to do you will do.  Then watch and see how God restores.


Father, even now we give you thanks for these moments.  Moments that may seem to be a breaking point in our lives but in reality, it is a breaking of us so that You can reveal more of Yourself to us.  To the broken soul that is reading this right now, I ask that you to draw close to them.  Your word says that You are close to the broken hearted.  I pray that your presence surrounds them and that as they feel you drawing near, they will be encouraged to draw near to you.  I pray that they will be still, stop fighting you and listen to your still small voice with the heart posture of “if so say so Lord, I will do it” We thank you for answering prayers. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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