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Hi, I am Nicole! I am just a simple island girl, who was chased down by God and thankfully received His grace. I was saved for a while, but settled at the acceptance of Christ stage, did my bit of “good works”, but never really delved deeper.

Fast forward a couple of years after life handed itself to me, I started to walk on a journey of finding my identity in Christ. During that time, I realized that my goofiness and quirkiness, which I usually hide and sometimes caused me to adapt to fit society’s mold, were designed uniquely by God. I now hold my head up high knowing that I am a beautifully crafted masterpiece still being molded by the Master.

I truly love helping people understand, know and love themselves. Helping people to discover themselves, seeing them grow, walking out their purpose, and living a fulfilled life is one of my greatest desires. For that reason, I decided to become a Certified Enneagram Coach as a means of helping others to discover and love their authentic self.

So, are you ready to meet and fall in love with yourself?


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“I’ve just completed 5 sessions with my Enneagram Coach Nicole and it was truly amazing. I was able to identify that the way I behave is not because I’m an alien amongst gems but it is just my personality and the way I identify with things and people and that is OK. I’ve learnt to appreciate me and choose me, I’ve learnt to look at people’s behavior towards me not always from a defensive point of view but from a stance that they too have the right to feel how they do. She was very courteous and professional and despite the fact that I’ve known her for many years and thought that it would be awkward, she carried each session with her A- game on, not making me feel any less of myself and ensuring that I understood that God loves me and that there is so much good to being me. I felt comfortable communicating with her. I’m truly grateful for these sessions as I view things now from a different point of view. I would recommend these sessions to everyone, you won’t regret it.” – Alicia, Type 2

“Nicole is a top notch enneagram coach who is organized and thoughtful in her approach.  She helped me better understand my core fears, needs, motivations and strengths through the lens of the enneagram. She brings a down-to-earth approach with perspectives that are rooted and grounded in biblical truth. The fact that we shared the same enneagram type was an added bonus! I would highly recommend Nicole to anyone who would like to walk through their enneagram type with a caring and compassionate professional. Thank you Nicole!”- Kim, Type 9