My Mummy by Sammy

posted in: Features | 3

Tis’ an old familiar story, 

Of our dearly beloved MJ.

Of her smile that shone like daisies,

And her poise so filled with grace.

Her character bares no mystery,

It was one that all could tell.

Of how she loved those criminal movies, 

And her golden girls as well.

Giving was her nature,

Her company brought good cheer.

Her food was darn amazing,

You’d know if you were there.

The way she laughed was quite a catch,

And she had a knack for making sure all was set.

You couldn’t miss her if she was singing,

Especially songs with high notes, she’ll leave your ears ringing 

A party, a lime, just driving or to dine,

Guarantee she’ll be dressed up, sprayed down, and looking all fine.

It’s a sight to behold of the dance moves she bestowed,

You’ll gain great satisfaction when you see those two peg legs spring into action.

You couldn’t compete with her love for red meat,

Still wonder how she managed with her lack of teeth.

Her children, grandchildren were the fore of her head,

To cross them or harm them, you’ll clearly be misled.

It will take some time adjusting,

To the fact that you’re not here.

But the time we spent rejoicing,

Is the thing we’ll hold most dear.

Mummy, mum, mother, mums, Margaret, Lenora, Ms. Jackman, MJ, Mags, Maggie, Princess Margaret, Mar, “Mahgret”, gran gran, Margaret Lenora Jackman,

We salute you for all you have been and all you’ve done,

We love you, we miss you, we mourn you as well,

Until we meet again, continue to look down on us with your beautiful smile

Rest in Peace Mum and Rise in Glory, We will Forever Love You!

3 Responses

  1. Diana Yarde

    Very true, very real, genuine giver even if it’s her last.
    Very good Sam
    Auntie Di

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