Happy 2023 Zoners!! It’s a new year, we made it!! Aren’t you excited…well you should be. The fact that you are still breathing means that God still has a plan and a purpose for you. That in itself should get you excited! So lift that chin up, dream again and be expectant for all that God has in store for you. Get ready to conquer this new year!
I pondered on what to write to you to start the new year. The only thing that God placed in my spirit was to pray for you. So this blog post is a little different, but it captures what is on my heart for my readers. So here goes!
New Year Blessing

Dear God
We thank you for being a faithful God, you have seen us through some of the darkest and trying times. You have been a comfort, a friend and a provider. You have been everything we didn’t know we need and more. For that I say a huge Thank You!
This new year we have lots of plans, dreams and desires. But I take this moment to submit all of them to you. As Jesus cried out just before He was taken to be crucified for our sins. “Not my will but your will be done”, let that be our prayer this year.
It is hard to surrender to you, not knowing what is around the corner. But when we are tempted to doubt, help us to remember your word given in Jeremiah of your plans not to harm us but give us hope and a future. Help us to dream again, live in faith and be expectant. Some of us have experienced loss, lack, disappointment and hope deferred over the last couple years. This may have caused us to doubt, lose hope and be anxious. But your word reminds us to be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication, make our requests known unto you”. And that takes a relationship.
So, this year we ask you to help us to cultivate a more intimate relationship with you, to experience you as more than the Creator, but as father and a friend. Help us to turn to you in the good times and the bad times and to trust that you will be with us through it all. Help us to develop a grateful heart and to learn how to worship you wholeheartedly and be eager to spend time in your presence. Then as we form these habits, as your word says, let the peace that passeth all understanding guard our hearts and minds.
Restore our joy God and renew a right spirit within us, let your blessings flow from heaven and let your favor overtake us. We thank you in advance for what you are doing and about to do in our lives this year. We honor you, we praise you and we magnify your Holy name.
In Jesus Name we prayer, Amen
To My readers “May goodness and mercy follow you and your family all the days of your lives. May you see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and may you dwell in the House of the Lord forever” Be Re-Couraged in Christ!
Estelle Hope
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New year and may God continue to bless you as you walk Holy and work to extend the Kingdom with your encouraging messages🙏😇
Thank you so much! May God continue to bless you throughout the year!
Diana Yarde
Thanks Nike for your prayer of renewal and refreshing. God truly is awesome and in charge and though many tough times, I purpose in my heart to trust Him, let Him be in control of my every move. Thanks for your encouraging words throughout this most tough year. Keep the good work up.
Love you always
You are so welcome! Thank you for reading each post and the warm encouragement you provide.
Jacqueline Best
Amen and Amen. Thanks Nikki for your continual commitment and encouragement. I wish you and your family blessings and prosperity in abundance this year. May the peace of God comfort you and may His unspeakable joy be your strength. Love you forever and always 💛 ❤
No other right way to start the year off but with a blessing. Thank you for your words over us and may God continue to feed your spirit as you speak over and to others. I pray that your words will bring life and light and all glory to God. Continue doing his work and he will continue to bless you. Happy 2023. Blessings