On the Verge of a Breakthrough

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Have you ever been waiting on a promise for so long that when it is finally within reach, it seems like every single thing that can go wrong goes wrong. Or sometimes the wait at that moment seems even longer than when you first started. This was the case for several things that I had been praying about for a number of years.  I am on the verge of a breakthrough.  However, on one hand, even though I could see the light at the end of this dark tunnel, the promise was taking so long. I was beginning to get so frustrated. On the other hand, the other promise seemed so different from what I expected.  It seemed beyond me and my capabilities, so Fear started to creep in. 

As I sat with God over the last couple weeks, over and over, two words from God echoed so strongly in my spirit.  There were “Trust Me!”’ Now true transparency, while God saying “Trust Me” is comforting, in that moment with all the unknowns and the warfare being so thick, hearing and believing ‘Trust Me” takes Faith.  This is where I had to give over all my doubts to God and from there, He took me to Isaiah 55:11. “So is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”  As difficult as it may seem, we must remember that when God gives a promise, His Word does not return to Him void.  

Limitations to Breakthrough

Here is where we often trip up. Even though that may be the case that does mean that it is without warfare. Or, that you don’t have a part to play in receiving your miracle.  There were many cases in the Bible where at the brink of a breakthrough, warfare became so great that the individual took their eyes of God. In doing this, promises were forfeited. We see it with Abraham and Sarah and bringing forth a child.  We also see it with Saul which caused him to lose his anointing.

This warfare can manifest in so many different forms.  It can show up as impatience, where you are tempted to force the hand of God.  It can show up as obstacle after obstacle, causing you the question whether God really gave you this promise.  Sometimes, it can show up as fear where you get so comfortable in your mess that when the solution presents itself you coward in fear and don’t move forward. Other times it can also show up as little distractions which cause you to take your focus off God. Thus, missing your moment.


My re-couragement for you this month is to be intentional about going after all that God has for us by surrendering to His lead.  Don’t let the schemes of the enemy cause you to forfeit the promises God has for you.  Many of us may be at a breakthrough point. However, we can’t see it because of all the warfare and distractions lurking around. 

I am encouraging you to spend some time with God today.  Ask Him to open your spiritual eyes so that you don’t miss your moment.  In the process, take time to surrender all your fears, doubts, feelings and actions to God.   Allow Him to guide, lead and direct you in this critical moment so that you don’t miss your breakthrough.  Don’t let us circle the wilderness for longer than God intended for us to because we don’t trust Him.  As He reminded me, I am reminding you “Trust God!”  He knows how it all ends anyways! Click Here

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