The Pace of Grace

posted in: Re-Couragement | 4

As I began to push through my morning workout, I was tired, unmotivated, and just wanted it to be over.  One part of me understood why I was doing this, but the other part was screaming that this early morning journey was not making any sense.  I found myself rushing through each exercise just to complete it, check a box, and be okay that my workout was complete.  However, I felt even more tired and out of breath. My form was all over the place and just at that moment.  I felt the Holy Spirit say “ Find the Pace of Grace”.  

Asking God to help me through the remainder of my workout, I took a deep breath and began to take each rep in stride. Though I felt tired, I was no longer out of breath. Even though I felt each rep, my form was better and I was no longer at risk of hurting myself.  Even though it took longer, I still completed all the reps and, in the allotted time.  I was flowing in the pace of grace and it made me ponder on the statement.  After the workout was done, I asked myself, where else in my life was I outside the pace of grace.

What is the pace of grace?

For me, the pace of grace is where you follow God’s lead.  It is a pace that does not rush ahead of God nor are you left behind.  If He says pause, you pause, if it’s run, you run, if He says crawl, you crawl.  It’s a place where you stride and not strive.  A place where even in the midst of chaos, because God is leading, there is a measure of peace.

How do we find this pace?

We must allow God to examine us and show us the areas of our lives that are out of alignment with His will. The areas where we are rushing ahead of Him, in the name of success, or where we are so far behind that we are caught up in laziness.  The times where we are so far left when He is on the right.  In the moments when He says go East and we are in the West.

We need to pause for a moment and take stock of our lives.  The pandemic caused many of us to pause.  At that moment most of us did some reflection and made changes whether good or bad, to our schedules, diet, mindsets, and spiritual lives.  As we emerge and the world goes back to “normal”, what is our rhythm?  We must not be caught up with the norms of society but seek God and allow Him to show us the pace.

Are you following Grace?

I wonder:

  • Do you always feel rushed, no matter the amount of time you have?


  • Do you analyze situations so much that nothing ever gets done?

Find the pace of grace, rest a moment in God.  He will get you where you need to be at just the right time. Just like in my workout, even though we will endure pain, God uses everything for our good (Romans 8:28).  It might take longer, but you will arrive right on time (Habakkuk 2:3).  You will be less tired, more fulfilled, and protected as you are walking in His shadow (Psalms 91).

Have you ever noticed in the Bible that Jesus took His time and walked everywhere, yet He was never late?  The pace of grace rests in God, depends on Him, and walks it out in peace. Examine your life, ask yourself. Am I walking at the pace of grace?  If the answer is no, or sometimes, take a beat, ask God to show you the pace of grace.  Your pace will be different from mine.  But when you submit to Him, prepare to be mind blown at how much you can accomplish when God is setting your pace.  Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here

4 Responses

  1. Samantha

    👏…I can see the growth, the truth, we always want to step above God and have our way because we want now results but it never goes to plan….thanks for this reminder

  2. Jacqueline Best

    Thanks again Nikki. This is a lot of food to chew on, to sit, reconsider and act upon. Blessings on you as you continue to do the will of your Heavenly Father.

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