Surrendering Your Jericho Walls

posted in: Re-Couragement | 1

What does it mean to surrender?  The Cambridge dictionary defines surrender as “to give something that is yours to someone else because you have been forced to do so or because it is necessary to do so.”  We all know that because God loves us, He didn’t design us to be robots, He gave us free will.  The will to choose or decide what we are going to do.  Therefore surrendering to God would have to be defined as “giving something that is yours to God because it is necessary to do so. Since it is a verb, which by definition is an action word, it means something is required of us.

When we say “All to Jesus I surrender“.  We are in essence saying, God, I give you absolute control over every area of my life. We are giving over to Him those things that we think we can handle ourselves. Those awful habits, as well as those things we keep hidden. Yes, all that! Sometimes, when we surrender our walls ( i.e those things which keep us imprisoned) to Him, He may direct us to rest and let Him fight our battles (Exodus 14:14). Other times, He gives us instructions to follow in order to receive a breakthrough. Sometimes, these instructions may not even make sense to our limited human capacity.

According to Joshua 6, God had “given” Jericho to the Israelites but they were barred from coming in.  Nothing could have penetrated those walls and it was stopping the Israelites from gaining their promised land.  God gave Joshua specific instructions in order to break the walls down.  These instructions seemed crazy at the time.  Walking around a wall can cause it to fall? Really now!  But as they followed God’s commands, the walls were destroyed.

Jericho Walls Challenge for You

Are there any walls in your life that need to be broken down?  Anything that needs to be surrendered?  Anything that needs to be given to God because it is necessary to do so? What are your places of hopeless defeat? The things you held on to and didn’t surrender to God. Maybe a sickness, depression, financial lack, demonic oppression. What about generational curses, bad habits (laziness, gossiping), physical impediments, unforgiveness, or any sin.  God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever is able to break those walls down if we surrender them to Him. Jesus was crucified so that the walls which separated us from God would be broken down and we can be reconciled with Him.

By now, you should have realized that I don’t post anything that I haven’t walked through. So as crazy as it may sound, this is my challenge to you. Read Joshua 6. Then, write out everything that seems to be a wall in your life. From the smallest thing to the hidden things, the bad habits, and big challenges.  With faith and taking God at His word, place your “walls” in a box or bin.  Then for six days, walk around that box or bin quietly and prayerfully.  On the seventh day, march around that box or bin seven times. On the seventh time, as you march, praise God in advance for your breakthrough like you have never praised before. 

When God comes through for you and Yes, I mean WHEN, don’t forget to give Him thanks. Asking you also to re-courage someone else to surrender those Jericho walls to God. The ONLY One who can break them down.  Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here

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