The Pursuit

posted in: Re-Couragement | 1

Just like chivalry, the pursuit will never go out of style.  He confidently states his intentions to date you.  Treats you like the queen you are, gaining your respect and showing interest in the things you do everyday.  Longing to spend time talking with you. Getting to know you and finding out about your dreams and appreciating you for your uniqueness.

He is confident, spontaneous, respectful, intelligent and communicates effectively.  He exercises patience, gives way to your faults, showing forgiveness and allowing you to be the best version of yourself you can be.  The perfect gentlemen he is, never giving up on you, his bride.

God dropped this in my spirit as I laid in bed reflecting on how He pursued me.  How He left the ninety nine to get this one lost soul.  As I reminisce on the journey God took me on, I could not help but to think.  He was the “perfect gentleman” who never gave up on me. My task here is simple, to show you or remind you of the pursuit, to remind you of your value to the King.

The Married Ones

God wanted me to remind you of your own journey.  How He patiently pursued you.  The many nights, you spent talking to Him, getting to know who He is.  The days you couldn’t wait to fill Him in on your day. Or ask him for advice on what to do next.  The days you hurt so badly, that all you could do was to fall into His presence.  And as He comforted you, you held onto the promise in Psalms 34:18 which says that He was close to the broken hearted.  

Do you remember when He introduced you to that book called the Bible? The cheat code to get to know Him and how He felt about you? He wants to remind you again of who you are.  God said He placed all those truths in His word so that you would never forget that you are a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).    You are the luckiest person in the world. You got to marry the King!  But the King wants to remind you that He requires you to spend time with Him for this relationship to flourish.  Yes, He is the King and He rules over all things.  But you are still His priority.  

Vow Renewal

He wants you to know that He has not stopped pursuing you. You are always on His mind.  If you really take the time, you will see that the King provides and protects. He comforts and guides. The King never forsakes youHe has not changed as he said in Numbers 23:19, but you may have. The King just longs for you to spend that time with Him again. He longs for your presence. He is assuring you that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The King wants to take you deeper.  He wants to be one with you. He wants you to know the best is yet to come.

I am excited! What about you?

The Dating Singles

For the singles, who are still deciding if this is worth it.  I know you have been hurt before and this relationship probably seems too good to be true.   Well, like all relationships, the road is not a smooth one.  But I guarantee you, this is the best decision you can ever make.  The King promises to pursue you, but the gentlemen He is, He would not make you choose Him.  

You have to decide if this is the relationship you want.  You have to be the one who makes the change.  I begging you, take a chance on you. Stop dating other people. You already know He is the one, so take the chance. What they have to offer is subpar to what the King already has prepared for you.

You can be assured that your life will never be the same.  You don’t have to clean up, you can come as you are, faults and all.  He specializes in making old things new (Revelations 21:5).  He wouldn’t judge you for your past or your failures. But, He will forgive you, cleanse you and he said in 2 Corinthians 5:17 make you into a new creation.. Look around and take notice of how the King is pursuing you.  You are special and valuable. , So special and valuable that the King left his palace and is knocking at your door. This is the best pursuit you will ever find.  Would you open your heart and let Him in?

The road ahead is so exciting! I can wait for you to join the family!


The King is waiting for You! The King is pursuing you! This pursuit will never go out of style. Open your heart and let Him in today.  Sit in His presence for a bit and let Him renew your soul. Thank you God for always pursuing us!

Be- Re-Couraged in Christ

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