The Waiting Room

posted in: Re-Couragement | 5

Imagine yourself at the doctor’s office, waiting for your name to be called.  At first, it is okay, as you know you have to wait. But then, the doctor is running late, you look up at the clock, ten minutes have passed, feelings of anxiousness creep in. Then, another twenty minutes, frustration sets in. Maybe thirty minutes later, anger arises.  If you are there for results, worry stirs up, maybe a bit of fear and stress. You may even start to feel hot in an almost chilly office. 

What about when God puts you in the waiting room? How is your posture then?  Do you wait 10 mins, 10 days, 10 months?  Do you pout and fret and let worry and anxiety take over?  Are you frustrated, or do you find inner peace?  How do you wait when God says wait?

I have been placed in God’s waiting room for some time now. Still in it, as a matter of fact, as I write this post.  To be honest, for a long time I was that rude patient. Pouting, angry, anxious, depressed, and watching that clock wondering where God was.  After I finally accepted that I was there and trust me, that, in itself, was a long struggle.  I was like “Okay, I will wait on you, God“.  

But then the weeks turned into months and the months into years and you are still holding on to the promise God gave you.  Hearing bible stories of Joseph and his thirteen-year wait (Genesis 37-50) or, of Sarah and Abraham and what some may deem as a far-fetched miracle of an old age pregnancy. (Come on, I am being real here). Praising God for their resilience but putting them into the “Bible character box”. The thought in your head “This cannot apply to me, I will not be made to wait that long. God must come through for me and on my timeline.” (Sounds pompous right? Yes, sometimes we do behave that entitled! Probably should stop and ask God for forgiveness even now!)

When society is encouraging you to go ahead and make the promise happen for yourself and by any means necessary. Maybe you can too, but you know it’s not the path to take.  Or maybe you haven’t done anything wrong to deserve this “wait period”.  You showed up early for your appointment, you were well dressed and followed all the instructions. Plus, It is God! He is all-powerful, so He can’t have an emergency like a regular old doctor. He is available 24 hours. So why is my prayer not being answered and in my time?  How is your posture then? Full disclosure, sometimes still crappy (and that is me being nice). 

But, I have come to realize that a lot can happen in the waiting room. It is here characters are developed and puzzle pieces are being fitted behind the scene. Ideas are being birthed (I mean, you are reading this blog aren’t you). And sometimes, you are even being set up for the greatest miracle ever. Then, when you come out after you have been refined by God, imagine the masterpiece the world will see.

So I re-courage you today, as I am re-couraging myself, don’t get disheartened in the waiting room. Isaiah 40:31 reminds us that “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint”. It may seem long, hard, and dark and you may wonder why? But, as cliche as it may sound, put on some PRAISE music, READ your bible, and PRAY. Continue to DEVELOP your relationship with God, WORK on yourself, and FORGIVE. HUMBLE yourself and LOSE that entitled behavior.

The Waiting Time is Not Wasted Time! WAIT ON GOD and WATCH God do His magic! Be re-couraged in Christ!

5 Responses

  1. Jacqueline Best

    I was at that place once I am still there. The thing is the longer it take for you to accept the waiting the longer it seems you’ll have to wait. In 2011, the waiting room thought me patience. This waiting period is teaching me how to be silent and more appreciative. God’s timing is not ours. He’s always right on time. ⏲

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