Trust the Process

posted in: Re-Couragement | 3

I was talking to God about a situation that did not unfold according to plan and I felt disappointed.  I began to mope and ask God why it couldn’t just be easy after I knew you said try.  It was there the Holy Spirit arrested me with this. He said “you pray constantly to close the doors no man can open, yet still when I close the door, you mope and fret.  Make up your mind!  Either you will trust the process and my plan or follow yours.”

That was a rude awakening because how many times each of us pray to close the doors no man can open. Yet still when we encounter a closed door, we throw tantrums wondering why and think that God somehow has forsaken us.  We pray to open doors that no man can shut.  Yet still when God opens doors, we are afraid to walk through them.   Good thing God is NOT a man. Because He would probably be there sitting on His throne wondering what in the world is wrong with these people.

You are not alone!

Joseph had a dream, David was anointed as a boy and Mary was told that she would birth the Savior.  But all of these people and countless more had to trust the process.  They encountered closed doors.  Joseph was a slave and a prisoner and David was hunted down by Saul. Mary had Jesus in a stable and watched in horror as He was crucified not knowing He would rise.  Nothing was as it seemed, they all encountered closed doors and had to trust the process.

Moses was commissioned to go to Pharaoh to free the Israelites. Abraham was told to sacrifice the one son he waited his whole life for.  Noah had to build an ark when no one had ever seen rain.  They all were presented with open doors and had to walk through them with faith not knowing what was on the other side.  They too had to trust the process.


What door is God closing in your life today, that even though you prayed that prayer, you are still banging on it to be opened.  What doors has God opened for you, that even though you prayed for an opportunity, fear has you so grounded you cannot make a move.  I am re-couraging you today to trust the process.  I don’t know what God told you. Nor do I know what your situation looks like. I don’t know what door God has closed in your life or which door He has opened. But I know the risen Savior. And if He gave you a promise believe Him and follow His lead. And as a wise man in Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Be Re-Couraged in Christ!

3 Responses

  1. Kyro_Barks

    Encouraging stuff! Thank you for reminding me that some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers!

  2. Diana Yarde

    Trust the process – thanks for that reminder because when God closes a door, He has good reasons.
    I am encouraged

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