Well Done!!!

posted in: Re-Couragement | 7

I want to introduce you to someone.  From the moment she walks into a room, the grace and peace that embodies her could change any atmosphere.  She understood her God-given assignment and carried it out with a measure of joy and enthusiasm.  She was a prayer warrior and that is putting it lightly.  I am quite certain that everyone she came into contact with, can recall a time she shared an encouraging word and prayed with and for them.

Giving was her nature.  She was selfless and would feed the five thousand, with her five loaves and two fish. Bills amounting everywhere, yet still, she would be meeting the needs of the others. Some of them were even more fortunate than herself. Always trusting that somehow God would provide, and that He did!  

It didn’t matter where she met you, if you needed prayer, trust that she would provide it.  I can recall in the middle of a mall, her laying hands on me. Putting down such powerful prayer because I was having a bad day. Even in her sickness, she was more concerned about others and their well-being, than hers.  She was still giving, still making sure we got our devotions in, and stressing the importance of having a relationship with God. There are many other countless, selfless gestures, I can recall, to honor this woman of God. I am grateful to have had not only the privilege to call her my aunt, but also my prayer partner and friend. The grief bug has struck again and my family and I have once again been plunged into mourning.

It however would be remiss of me not to re-courage you with the testament that was her life.  She left a legacy of faith in God and a life purposefully lived. I can tell you without a doubt that everyone she came into contact with would attest to that.  I for one would love to have half as much faith in God as she did down to the very end.  

My takeaway from her life is that we need to live a life of faith and intentionality, walking in the purpose God set out for us.  I believe with all my heart that she is with God, her Daddy-Oh and that He gave her a Matthew 25:23 blessing of ‘Well done good and faithful servant!”  Because of this, even though my heart hurts and the void is real, as 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 tells us, we will not mourn like those who have no hope.

If you take nothing away else away from this piece, take this.  Life will never be easy and we may never understand or agree with why it unfolds the way it does.  But know that God’s character never changes. He is still good, sovereign, holy, and just.  Be intentional with your relationship with God. Live a life of faith and one worthy of a Matthew 25:23 blessing.

My prayer is that at the end of our journey we all see His face and get a “Well done good and faithful servant”.  Even if you are told, you may never realize the impact your life had on the persons you leave behind.  So leave a lasting legacy, so that your life, like hers, can propel others to walk in faith and in all God calls them to be. 

Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory Auntie! Well done good and faithful servant! You will surely be remembered!

To my readers, Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here

7 Responses

  1. Diana Yarde

    You couldn’t have said it better Nike. Well done, I attest to all you have said, she is truly to blessing to all of us.
    A gem – she is with her Daddy

    • Petronella Dickson

      Condolences to Jackie and her family. She is now resting in peace and will rise in Glory. May God gave comfort to all who mourn her loss.

  2. Janet

    Condolences to you and your family Nicole. Our prayer group was praying for her last week. God loved her more than you so he ordered her to rest. My prayers are with you all.

  3. Lilian

    Thanks for this heart warming testimony of your aunt’s life.
    A life that was truly lived for her Saviour. A life that gives hope amidst the pain of loosing her.
    Rest on my sister for soon you will hear the midnight peal: “Behold I come.”

  4. Cherryl Best

    I’m so sorry about your aunt’s transition. Please accept my sincere condolences which I extend to the entire family. Take comfort in knowing that she’s in the presence of Lord. God and the angels are rejoicing in heaven.

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