Whose blueprint are you following?

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The swipe, swipe, swipe and click, click, click culture is so ingrained in everyday life. So much so that when someone introduces themselves to you, the next question is “What is your social media handle or Where can I follow you?”  Years ago, these questions would have evoked such a look of caution. Follow me? You probably would have asked them or at least been thinking, “What type of stalker are you?”  But now, if your reply was “I have none,” or worst yet “what is that”, they will then look at you like you’re from another planet.  

Now, social media has its place in life. Like any other thing, it has its purpose.  We can use it to connect with others, market and sell products, gather ideas, or even provide comedy or encouragement.  However, with all things, it also has its drawbacks. It can promote bullying from some people who comment so negatively from behind a screen.  It can also bring to the surface feelings of inadequacy which may cause you to compare.

While scrolling one day, I must shamefully admit, “incessantly”. I remembered seeing all these snapshots of people’s lives at a particular point in time.  Before I knew it, I was feeling inadequate.   I thought I was doing okay, but in comparison, my life felt as though it didn’t match up. I started to wonder if what little I had achieved, mattered.  For a moment, I wanted to switch lanes.

During my prayer time, God prompted me to stop scrolling, take a break from social media and seek Him.  It was during that time that He began to reveal my truths. I realized that by comparing myself to others, I was losing my uniqueness.  I was in essence saying to God, that the masterpiece you so intricately designed was not good enough.  God had to remind me that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. Each person’s path and purpose are unique. Everyone in the “body” can’t be the head. Some have to be the pinky toe and without that pinky toe, the balance is off. 

He showed me how to embrace my uniqueness, my quirks, and my goofiness and reinforced that I was enough.  Everything I thought was a flaw, God could use to get the glory. If I fixed my eyes on Him and ran my race, I would be okay, actually better than okay.  He allowed me to see that “If you run any race, it would just be a race, which YOU must sustain.  But, if you run the race that God sets for you, HE will give you grace for it.

We all have a purpose in life whether we believe it or not. Therefore, if you are looking to follow someone else’s blueprint, you can’t achieve all that God calls you to be.  So what if your sister is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, your best friend travels the world in style, but you are called to serve at a local corner store.  If that is where God placed you, (note, where He placed you and not where you settled) stay in your lane, be happy for them and follow your purpose.  God will give you grace for it, and He will sustain you. 

Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us”.  Seek God today and ask Him to reveal your path. No matter how insignificant to you it may seem, know that God is always up to something. Let me remind you that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. (see Isaiah 55: 9). Know that you may never know where your path will lead you or who you are called to impact where you are.

So, I re-courage you today, to ask God to help you discover yourself and your purpose in Him. Only then can you run your race with grace. Then watch and see the peace, joy, and fulfillment that comes from following God’s blueprint and staying in your lane.  Be Re-Couraged in Christ! Click Here!

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