Do you really want favor?

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For the last three years I have been seeking God for a “word” for the year.  Each year He has graciously provided those words and true to His form, my year lines up exactly with what He said.  Last year, the words God gave me were Faith and Favor.  Since I have a bit of a track record with Him now. I was like “Hold Up God Favor, give me all of that but Faith, nah you keep that.  Because the testing that comes with faith, I really wasn’t about it.  But, here is the fun part,  I was running away from faith and asking for favor but as the year progressed the question then became “Do I really want favor?


Let me explain. Several people in the Bible found favor in God’s eyes  In Genesis 6:8 the bible says that Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  Yet still he was laughed at for years just for doing the will of God.  Further in Genesis the Bible tells us that God gave Joseph favor. Yet still he found himself betrayed, thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, falsely accused and thrown into prison.  In 1 Samuel the Bible says David found favor with the Lord. Yet still, Saul became jealous of him, David found himself in exile and had to seek refuge in caves. Saul tried endless times to kill him all before he became King.  And there are many more examples. 

Since God gave me that word,  I guess I can conclude that I found favor with God. Yet still, I found myself walking though loss, disappointment, hope deferred and several difficult situations. But what I learned over the year is that if you stay the course, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Noah’s family was saved from the floodJoseph was promoted to second in command and was placed in a position to save the same family who betrayed him.  David was crowned King and was very victorious. Me, well God fulfilled so many dreams and He is still writing my story.

Lessons Learnt

Out of that experience, there were three main things I learned from my journey and the lives of these people.  The first is that favor takes faith.  Now ain’t God funny.  The same faith I was running away from is the same thing I needed to get the favor I want. During the trying period of their lives, all these folks had to hold on to the promises God gave them even though in the natural it looked quite the opposite. Now isn’t that the definition of “Faith” 

The second is that favor takes forgiveness.  If we hold onto the things people do to us, say about us or cause to happen in our lives, we cannot get God’s best for us.  We will find ourselves stuck in the cycle of unforgiveness, be unable to hear God and ultimately miss everything He has in stored for us.

Thirdly, favor requires you to be in close proximity to God.  You can’t get favor from God without a relationship with Him.  His word says that if you seek God first and His Kingdom all these things will be added unto you. Each person listed and countless more had to maintain a relationship with God to experience His favor.  Will it be perfect? No, you will make mistakes.  Will it always feel good?  No, you will walk through difficult situations.  However with God by your side, you will succeed.


So the question remains, Do I really want favor?  My answer is a resounding YES! Despite everything, it is still YES!

My re-couragement to you is do not shrink from seeking to find favor in God’s eyes. God does not look at your background, academic qualification or age. He just requires you to walk blameless, live righteous and honor Him. My prayer for you is that even if you go through life trials you will no longer ask the question but boldly declare YES God, Completely Yes! Lord, please give me your favor!

Ask God to give you favor and watch and see how your life turns around.

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